Cloud software, SaaS, ‘software as a service’ or any of its other nicknames, is quickly becoming extremely popular in various business sectors as an extremely effective project and clientele management…
Marketplace vs e-commerce: What’s the difference?
We’re willing to bet you’ve bought products or services through an e-commerce platform or website at least once in your life, and if you live in a first world country,…
How the mobile hair and makeup industry is moving towards online bookings
Cloud booking software is revolutionising the way we do business, especially after the COVID-19 lockdown and its impact on numerous industries. More and more businesses are realising the importance of…
Traditional paper diaries vs cloud booking software
So you’ve heard it everywhere – you should switch to cloud booking management software, they all say. Your competitors probably have, and if they haven’t, then you’ll be the first…
What is SaaS? – Software as a Service Explained
If you work in the digital space, you’ve probably heard the term SaaS thrown about. Your company may even use SaaS for productivity, file storage, calendars and organization, or client…